Access Control and Time-Attendance Systems

More than 30 years manufactures the Procontrol Ltd. access control and time attendance equipment for a wide range of application areas.


The systems consist of the following components:
- Access Control terminals
- Access Control software 
- Access Gates


The combination of experience, continuous development and the most modern remote manageable microelectronics makes it possible the manufacture of the most flexible access control equipment and the development of individual needs.

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- 180217 Procontrol -
ProxerGate 5-TP-120 Forgószárnyas teljes magasságú tüzihorganyzott acél festett beléptető kapu,120 f - 180154 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerSafe-KeySafe Security DEMO cabinet with key holder plugs and distinct sized drawers and boxes - 141889 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
The ProxerGate 5-120SS brushed stainless steel revolving gate with access controll. - 180032 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
KeySafe Lock 160-FN-EM-E-P-G-B-UPS Intellgens kulcsszekrény, RFID olvasóval 160 kulcsnak, beltéri - 141338 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerGate 5-GG-120 Glass, revolving gate with glass and stainless steel structure. - 180033 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerGate 5D-TT-120 two-lane revolving twin gate for access control (hot-dip galvanized steel) - 180140 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerNet 5- PaynGo Web Access élőszemélyes jegyértékesítő POS szoftver webes felülettel - 960139 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerGate 5-120-GS. Glass Outdoor full-height, revolving gate with access control   180031 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerGate 5D-SS-120 kétpályás forgószárnyas szálcsiszolt rozsdamentes acél beléptető-ikerkapu - 180172 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerGate Carousel revolving gate with extra wide path, four glass wings, external - 180210 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable