Proximity kártya 125kHz, EM4200 ISO RFID, nyomtatható, fehér, minőségi, unique, HID


Proximity card with RFID, 125 kHz encoding Emarine, without printing, high quality. Procontrol\'s goal is to provide reliable quality for the customers. Therefore, RFID transmitters can be obtained only from qualified supplier for years. RFID chips and antennas are made for long term use.
The material and printability of ISO card is perfect, there are no disturbing level differences, indentations, the edges are rounded without burres. We also recommend you to use card cases against physical damage.


  • Read-only RFID proximity card
  • Coding: EM4102 / EM4200
  • Operating frequency: 125 kHz
  • Labeled, clean white printable surface. On-demand Procontrol Ltd. undertakes printing
  • ISO Size: 86 x 54 x 0.77 mm

Technische Daten:

Casing ISO /IEC 7810 / ID-1 szabvány szerint
Proximity chip encoding EM4200, EM4102, EM4200

Technische Zeichnungen



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  720935     Proximity Karte EM4102/EM4200 ISO RFID, druckbar weiße Oberfläche, qualitativ     868 Ft 


Produktcode: 721532


2232 St.


Netto-Preis: 920 Ft
Brutto Preis (27% MWST): 1 168 Ft
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In den Korb

Stück/Verpackung: 1 St.
Mindestmenge: 1 St.