The radio fire alarm system developed by Procontrol Electronics Ltd. containing the 1121 WDB wireless smoke detector electronics, 1124 WS wireless sounder, 1124 WIO wireless I/O module and the 1122 WMC wireless manual call point has successfully acquired the product certification. The “constancy of performance” and the “factory production control” audits were performed by the TÜV InterCert Ltd. in 2015. Distributor of the complete fire alarm system is the Pentolt Ltd. Details on the complete system are available at http://fireless.eu/.

The KeySafe and ProxerSafe system is an intelligent key management and storage system, which is for safekeeping, automated management of keys of buildings, cars and other valuables. The system combines key cabinets, cabinets with storage boxes, compartments and the management software. The KeySafe® is a smart key cabinet, which allows a high safety key management with personal proximity card, PIN code, NFC or optional biometric identification. The cabinet locks each key one by one in the slots and lets noone to take any key, unless the person is authorized. The cabinet can be managed via its touchscreen or from a remote computer; key traffic can be monitored and logs checked. It can be integrated into a building management system as well.