GWInstek LCR-914 (1 kHz)This product has been discontinued. Its data is still reachable on our site for support purposes. Please find its replacement product in Recommended products section below. Brief descriptionThe LCR-916/915/914 is a smart, convenient and fully-functional dual display handheld LCR meter. The test frequency extends as high as 100 kHz/10kHz, providing greater flexibility to test a wider range of components.The LCR-916/915/914 uses a dual 20,000 /2,000 count display. The 20,000 count display is used for displaying the primary parameters such as capacitance, inductance and resistance as well as DC resistance measurement, and a 2,000 count display is for secondary parameters such as Q, D, ESR and RP measurement. Secondary measurements can also be combined with the primary measurement while the primary measurement is still being taken. Properties
TypesLCR-916 100kHz Kézi LCR mérő