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 Product Name  pdf  Product number   Manufacturer   Net unit price   In stock 
ProxerSafe Box 28-24BSG-4BMG 28 rekeszes intelligens értéktároló szekrény, átlátszó rekeszajtókkal - 107366 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerSafe Box 60-BMG 60 rekeszes intelligens értéktároló szekrény, átlátszó rekeszajtókkal - 107368 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerSafe Box 21-8BSG-4B2SG-2B4SG-4BMG-2B2MG-1B4MG 21rekeszes intellingens értéktároló szekrény, - 107370 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerSafe Box 88BS-FN-EM-EWi-SP99XXL páncélszekrénybe épített rekeszes kulcstároló szekrény - 107317 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
PayGate 4E-4000 fizetős beléptetőkapu érme és papírpénz elfogadás, visszajárót ad, nyugtát nyomtat

Status: Archive

- 180217 Procontrol -
Keydrawer 96-fn-mi-e-sp88xl1900-ups for 96 drawer storage cabinet

Status: Archive

- 141323 Procontrol -
GBLock 22 szerelt elektromágneses kipattanó szekrényzár nyitásérzékelővel, 12V 2A, 2118-22 - 180602 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerGate 5-GG-120 Glass, revolving gate with glass and stainless steel structure. - 180033 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerPort 3 Glass polished nickel chromium stainless steel swing gate (d=150 mm) with glass wing   180028 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerPort1-P swing gate, manual, opened by pulling up the lock/arm, one directional - 180152 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerPort1-M-R-U manual gate with reverse electromagnet, opening with spring - 180162 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerGate Carousel revolving gate with extra wide path, four glass wings, external - 180210 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerPort 8 gyorskapu - 180302 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerGate M3E mini tripod turnstile, access gate with panic function - 150236 Procontrol Request an Offer In stock
ProxerPort 2 Glass polished nickel chromium stainless steel swing gate with glass wing - 180011 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerGate 3E automatic drop arm turnstile - 180071 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerGate 6B intelligent turnstile for cyclists.   180001 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerPort1 manual swivel barrier gate high-gloss chrome-plated steel. Manual opening, locked with remoteable magnet, 1100mm passage width for disabled access - 180094 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerGate 3E-EXT drop arm turnstile, outdoor - 180125 Procontrol Request an Offer Orderable
ProxerGate M3E forgóvilla ejtőkarral, beépített Proxer7-HF NFC, QR olvasóval, Ethernet interfésszel - 150237 Procontrol Request an Offer In stock