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Search word(s):"korlát"

Találat a termékekben: 138 Csoport fejlécekben: 6 Hírekben: 1

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Main picture  Product Name  pdf  Product number   Manufacturer   Net unit price 
ProxerGate 3EA tripod turnstile w drop arm, automatic arm set back, stainless steel, 24V - 180330 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 3EA-EXT tripod turnstile for outdoor use w drop arm, automatic arm set back, stainless steel, 24V - 180332 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 3EAM tripod turnstile w drop arm, automatic arm set back, stainless steel, mirror polished top, 24V - 180331 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 3E automatic drop arm turnstile   180071 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 3E-EXT drop arm turnstile, outdoor - 180125 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 3EA ejtőkaros forgóvilla automatikus karvisszaállítással, beléptető kapu, beltéri, rozsdamentes acél - 180411 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 4E Exclusive turnstile, drop arm version, indoor desgin - 180167 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerPort 6-R egyoldalas gyorskapu, plexi lengőszárnnyal, jobbos, Master - 180311 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerPort 6G speed gate - 180301 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerPort 8 gyorskapu - 180302 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerPort1-M-R-U manual gate with reverse electromagnet, opening with spring - 180162 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerPort1-U manual one-way tubular swing gate with spring, 1100mmx1315mm - 180151 - Request an Offer
ProxerPort1-M Manual operating swing gate with magnetic lock, 1100mm passage width - 180087 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerPort1-M-U Manual operating swing gate with magnetic lock, 1100mm passage width   180075 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerPort1 manual swivel barrier gate high-gloss chrome-plated steel. Manual opening, locked with remoteable magnet, 1100mm passage width for disabled access - 180094 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerPort1-Z-GL kézi kétirányú acél csővázas kapu 1 lengőszárnnyal, kulcsos zárral, üveg betéttel - 180204 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerPort1-P swing gate, manual, opened by pulling up the lock/arm, one directional - 180152 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerPort 2 Glass polished nickel chromium stainless steel swing gate with glass wing - 180011 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerPort 3 Glass polished nickel chromium stainless steel swing gate (d=150 mm) with glass wing   180028 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 5-TT-120 revolving gate (galvanized steel) - 180155 Procontrol Request an Offer
The ProxerGate 5-120SS brushed stainless steel revolving gate with access controll. - 180032 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 5-GG-120 Glass, revolving gate with glass and stainless steel structure. - 180033 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 5-120-GS. Glass Outdoor full-height, revolving gate with access control   180031 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 5-TP-120 Forgószárnyas teljes magasságú tüzihorganyzott acél festett beléptető kapu,120 f - 180154 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 5D-TT-120 two-lane revolving twin gate for access control (hot-dip galvanized steel) - 180140 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 5D-SS-120 kétpályás forgószárnyas szálcsiszolt rozsdamentes acél beléptető-ikerkapu - 180172 Procontrol Request an Offer
PayGate 4E-40 coin-operated entrance turnstile for toilet, accepts HUF and EUR coin, gives change, prints a receipt   180141 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 3E-1QR-MCPU1 ejtőkaros forgóvilla beltéri, on-line kapuvezérlővel, QR kód olvasóval - 180266 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerGate 3-CCS turnstile with CCS-1 card collector - 180121 Procontrol Request an Offer

Találat a termékekben: 138 Csoport fejlécekben: 6 Hírekben: 1

Access Control and Time-Attendance Systems

More than 30 years manufactures the Procontrol Ltd. access control and time attendance equipment for a wide range of application areas.


The systems consist of the following components:
- Access Control terminals
- Access Control software 
- Access Gates


The combination of experience, continuous development and the most modern remote manageable microelectronics makes it possible the manufacture of the most flexible access control equipment and the development of individual needs.

ProxerSafe® Box - intelligent charger cabinets

At certain workplaces, in factories, institutions  or even at festivals employees or visitors must be granted a central and guarded place to store their mobile devices, smart phones and other valuables. The solution provided by ProxerSafe Box does not require constant human presence, while access rights can be granted or revoked remotely in real time.


Using ProxerSafe Box not only the safe keeping of the mobile devices is covered but also they can be charged while stored.


VIDEO >  ProxerSafe® Box Intelligent charger cabinets


The solution is also suggested for museums, art galleries and exhibition halls. The visitors can collect the audio guides or tablets from the ProxerSafe Box  for a given period of time if certain conditions were met ( ticket type, payment).


The Procontrol Electronics Ltd. offers a wide range of intelligent and professional mobile device storage, charger and management systems; Clients can choose the most suitable built-up for their purposes.
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Találat a termékekben: 138 Csoport fejlécekben: 6 Hírekben: 1

Procontrol’s wireless fire alarm system obtained TÜV Certification

The radio fire alarm system developed by Procontrol Electronics Ltd. containing the 1121 WDB wireless smoke detector electronics, 1124 WS wireless sounder, 1124 WIO wireless I/O module and the 1122 WMC wireless manual call point has successfully acquired the product certification. The “constancy of performance” and the “factory production control” audits were performed by the TÜV InterCert Ltd. in 2015.  Distributor of the complete fire alarm system is the Pentolt Ltd. Details on the complete system are available at

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