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Main picture  Product Name  pdf  Product number   Manufacturer   Net unit price 
KeySafe Lock - intelligent, safety key cabinet, with RFID-NFC or biometric identification - 171124 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 32 intelligent key cabinet - 142232 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 16/32-FN-RFIDex-E-P-G-Adv bővíthető kulcsszekrény 16 kulcsnak, Adv PC, idegen olvasó - 107540 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 32/48-FN-LF-E-P-0D-Pro intelligens kulcsszekrény 32 kulcshellyel, 48-as házban, ajtó nélkül, Pro vezérlővel - 107537 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 48 intelligent key cabinet - 150175 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 56-FN-FF-Bio-EWi-P-G-Adv intelligens biztonsági kulcsszekrény FF olvasóval, ujjlenyomat-olvasóval - 107461 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 64-fn-em-ewi-s-g-b-ups intelligent, wall-mounted key-cabinet with Wi-Fi - 141304 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 80-FN-FF-EWI-G-P intelligens kulcsszekrény 80 kulcsnak - 107269 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 96 intelligent cabinet for 96 keys - 107271 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 112-G intelligens kulcsszekrény 112 kulcsnak - 107320 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 128-FN-LF-E-P-G-Adv intelligens kulcsszekrény 128 kulcsnak két szerkénytestben, Adv vezérlővel - 107547 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 144-FN-EM-E-P-G-UPS intelligent key-store cabinet with RFID reader - 141334 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 160-FN-EM-E-P-G-B-UPS Intellgens kulcsszekrény, RFID olvasóval 160 kulcsnak, beltéri - 141338 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 224-FN-RFIDex-E-P-G-Adv intelligens kulcsszekrény 224 kulcsnak, Adv PC - 107500 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 256-FN-FF-E-P-G-Adv intelligens kulcsszekrény 256 kulcsnak, Advanced vezérlővel - 107549 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 272-G intelligens kulcsszekrény 272 kulcsnak - 107321 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 464-G intelligens kulcsszekrény 464 kulcsnak - 107322 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 512-G intelligens kulcsszekrény 512 kulcsnak - 107323 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 768-G intelligens kulcsszekrény 768 kulcsnak - 107324 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 1600-FN-FF-Ewi-P-G-Pro intelligens kulcsszekrény 1600 kulcsnak, 2 Pro PC-vel - 107548 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 16-T intelligens kulcsszekrény 16 kulcsnak, teli ajtós - 107326 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 32-T smart key cabinet for 32 keys, full metal door - 107327 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 48-FN-FF-E-T-UPS intelligens kulcsszekrény 48db kulcsnak, teli fémajtóval - 150178 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 64 intelligent key cabinet with metal door - 150154 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 80-T intelligens kulcsszekrény 80 kulcsnak, teli ajtós - 107328 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 96-T intelligent key-store cabinet with rfid reader, metal door - 141298 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 112-T intelligens kulcsszekrény 112 kulcsnak, teli ajtós - 107329 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 128-T intelligens kulcsszekrény 128 kulcsnak, teli ajtós - 107330 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 144-T intelligens kulcsszekrény 144 kulcsnak, teli ajtós - 107331 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock 160-T intelligens kulcsszekrény 160 kulcsnak, teli ajtós - 107332 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Mini small sized cabinets with key holder plugs and boxes for office use - 107300 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock Mini KSLM-16/24K-FN-LF-E-P-G-Adv intelligens kis méretű kulcsszekrény 16 kulcsnak, Adv vezérlővel - 107546 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock Mini KSLM-16K-FN-FF-Ewi-P-G-UPS-Adv intelligent small sized key cabinet for 16 keys with Advanced controller - 107494 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Mini PSM-16-FN-FF-EWi-A-Adv key cabinet for 16 keys with alcotester and advanced performance computer

Status: Archive

- 107295 Procontrol
KeySafe Lock Mini KSLM-24K-FN-FF-Ewi-P-G-UPS-Adv intelligent small sized key cabinet for 24 keys with Advanced controller - 107497 Procontrol Request an Offer
KeySafe Lock Mini KSLM-8K-FN-FF-Ewi-P-G-UPS-Adv intelligent small sized key cabinet for 8 keys with Advanced controller - 107493 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Box 6BLGT-FN-FF-EWi-P-Adv intelligens rádiótöltő szekrény - 107485 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Box PSB-24BS20GT-4BM20GT-FN-FF-EWI-P-UPS 28 value storage cabinet with charger - 107302 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Box 114-104BS20-10B4S20 value storage and charger cabinet - 107304 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Box 80B2XL35GT-FN-FF-Ewi-P-USA-Adv rekeszes töltőszekrény - 107538 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Industry value storage cabinets for industrial usage (PSI) - 107307 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Industry-12BSGT-8BMGT-2B2MGT-1BCG-ExRFID-EWI rekeszes ipari töltőszekrény, álló kivitel - 107292 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Keep PSK31-11B54-20B85-0B-0C-PP csomagmegőrző szekrény PayPass terminállal - 107503 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Keep-18-15B54-4B40-0C-PP csomagmegőrző automata PayPass fizetési lehetőséggel - 107384 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Combo 80K-16BSG-4B2SGT-2B2MG-FN-FF-EWi-P-G-Adv kulcshelyes és rekeszes intelligens szekrény - 107458 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Box 80B2XL35GT-FN-FF-Ewi-P-USA-Adv intelligent radio and iPad charging cabinet - 107522 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Combo 32K-8BM20-RFIDex-E-P-G-Adv kulcsdugós és rekeszes szekrény, Adv PC, idegen olvasó - 107424 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Combo 80K-88BSG intelligent safety cabinet with 80 RFID key holder plugs and 88 small boxes with transparent doors - 107375 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Combo PSC-32K-16BS key and value storage cabinet with key holder plugs and boxes - 107385 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Combo 16K-8BS intelligent safety cabinet with 16 key holder plugs and 8 small boxes with metal doors - 107386 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Combo 16K-4BM-2B2M intelligent safety cabinet with 16 RFID key holder plugs, two 2M-sized and one 4M-sized boxes - 107387 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Combo 32K-2B2M-1B4M intelligent safety cabinet with 32 RFID key holder plugs, two 2M-sized boxes and one 4M-sized box - 107388 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Combo 16K-8BS-4B2S-2B4S intelligent safety cabinet with 16 RFID key holder plug and 8+4+2 boxes with metal doors - 107389 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Combo PSC-64K-16BS20G-12B2S20G-FN-FF-EWi-Adv-SP99 combined key and value storage cabinet - 107473 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Combo PSC-24K-16BS20G-4B2S20G-FN-FF-EWi-Adv-SP99 combined key and value storage cabinet - 107474 Procontrol Request an Offer
AutoSafe Tresor 9-FN with 9 box V2014   150043 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Keep 10-8B85-2B54-B-C-EXT csomagmegőrző szekrény érmeelfogadóval, QR olvasóval - 107430 Procontrol Request an Offer
ProxerSafe Industry 22-12BSG-8BLG-2B2LG 22 rekeszes eszköztároló ipari alkalmazásra,üveg ajtóval - 107356 Procontrol Request an Offer
AutoSafe 30-N Trezor, value storage cabinet with 30 boxes, online - 148007 - Request an Offer

Találat a termékekben: 162 Csoport fejlécekben: 3 Hírekben: 1

The KeySafe® and ProxerSafe® key- and value storage system

The KeySafe and ProxerSafe system is an intelligent key management and storage system, which is for safekeeping, automated management of keys of buildings, cars and other valuables. The system combines key cabinets, cabinets with storage boxes, compartments and the management software.



The KeySafe® is a smart key cabinet, which allows a high safety key management with personal proximity card, PIN code, NFC or optional biometric identification. The cabinet locks each key one by one in the slots and lets noone to take any key, unless the person is authorized.

The cabinet can be managed via its touchscreen or from a remote computer; key traffic can be monitored and logs checked. It can be integrated into a building management system as well.


KeySafe, ProxerSafe Brochure

KeySafe, ProxerSafe presentation

ProxerSafe family - Intelligent key and value storage cabinets


 >  ProxerSafe® - smart key and value storage system video >>

 >  KeySafe® Lock smart key managent system video >>

 >  ProxerSafe® Box Intelligens charger cabinets

 >  ProxerSafe® Keep – smart baggage cabinets

 >  ProxerSafe® Box Medical - intelligent medicine storage video

 >  ProxerSafe® Weapon Rack VIDEO >>

 >  ProxerNet® software introduction video >>
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ProxerSafe® Box - Intelligent value storage cabinets with boxes 

The ProxerSafe® Box value storage cabinets can be ordered with boxes in distinct size and number. They are suitable for keeping documents, key boxes, mobile devices and tools safe in an online traceable way.


VIDEO >  ProxerSafe® Box Intelligent charger cabinets


Access rights can be set per box and user. It can be monitored and logged who opened which box and when.

Chargers can be integrated into the boxes, so mobile devices, radios terminals can be charged while being kept safe. (See charger cabinets.)

Optional, integrated scales may help to detect presence of the given object; weight can be defined within a gramm.

The Procontrol Electronics Ltd. offers a wide range of intelligent and professional value storage and management systems; Clients can choose the most suitable built-up for their purposes.
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KeySafe Lock - intelligent, safety key cabinet, with RFID-NFC or biometric identification

The KeySafe Lock is an intelligent safety key cabinet, which can be opened only by personal RFID proximity transponder, or by fingerprint identification, optionally. The cabinet is able to run independently through its touchscreen operated embedded industrial computer. A cabinet connected to network can be controlled remotely, setting who is allowed to take which keys, when and for how long.




The KeySafe Lock does not allow to take any keys, just those, which the person is entitled for.
More cabinets can be connected to a single data cable, monitored and managed with the ProxerNet KeySafe Software (a Windows application) or ProxerSafe WebAccess web app, and integrated into a building management system as well.

KeySafe brochure


 >  ProxerSafe - smart key and value storage system video >>

 >  KeySafe Lock video >>

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Találat a termékekben: 162 Csoport fejlécekben: 3 Hírekben: 1